Plant Expansion happenings here at Waukesha

NEW SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER INSTALLED    The Waukesha® transformer built to help power our EHV areas was delivered early and installed on August 1st (scheduled delivery date was August 5th). This three-phase, 10–13.3 MVA, 24.9–13.2kV unit was hooked up to the main line on August 3rd and will be energized in September once new manufacturing equipment is installed and commissioned.        500 TON CRANE ARRIVES    Milwaukee-area company, Dawes, has  assembled a large crane on-site that will be used to lift the 500 ton crane into place in the main assembly bay. The lift will be just under 600,000 pounds and will occur this week (weather permitting). Twenty-four semitrailers were required to transport the Dawes’ crane parts, which boasts a boom height of 238 feet! Because of this height (equivalent to a typical 24 story building), the area hospital and local airport were contacted as a courtesy and appropriate marking flags will be used.
An “Enclosure For Industry” factory-built building is the most cost effective way to go from design through installation, while maintaining the highest quality. While we are building your structure, your site work can be concurrently constructed.
No matter what type of building you are looking for EFI stands ready: communication, telecom, wireless antenna equipment, seismic required weather equipment, electronic, 911 shelters, switchgear, stand-by energy, walk-in, fiber optic or substation equipment shelter.
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  • Multiple Compartments in One Enclosure
  • Multiple Shipping Splits Available
  • Single Enclosure Size up to 16′ x 62′
  • Placement on Piers, Slab or Foundation Wall
  • Code Constructed
  • Electrical and Mechanical Systems Outfitted
  • Various Exterior Finishes
  • Various Roof Shapes and Materials
  • Click here to read more

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